SDSU Seed Grant Program

Formerly known as the University Grants Program, the SDSU Seed Grant Program provides funding for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (RSCA) projects for Unit 3 faculty. Similar to the UGP, this program provides important funding for new RSCA projects and areas of inquiry, allows faculty to bring ongoing projects to completion, and serves to facilitate the development of projects that are competitive for extramural funding. Awards are limited to $7,500 and awarded for a 12-month period. 

Eligibility: All SDSU, CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement Unit 3 faculty, who have not received more than three UGP/Seed awards in the past five years are eligible to apply. 

Award Specifics: Eligible faculty can request up to $7,500 for 12 months of funding. The Division of Research and Innovation (DRI) expects to fund approximately 50 applications for the 2025 funding cycle. 

The Application Process

We will be accepting applications via the InfoReady online competition portal. Please click here to get started with your application. DRI will not consider late applications for funding.

Project Description (2,000 words max): Please provide a brief description of the proposed project and the methodology involved. Include project objectives, background, project plan, timelines, and references. Address the significance of the project, the relevance of your project to your field(s) of study or area(s) of expertise, and how this project will advance your discipline(s) or field(s) of work. Please summarize any work completed to date that is related to this project. If you currently have external funding, please provide an explanation as to why your current external funding does not cover the work proposed in this application. Identify where you anticipate the results of the research/scholarly activity will be disseminated (e.g., publication, performance, convention paper, application for further funding, exhibition). Indicate whether any intellectual property may be developed in conjunction with this project (for guidance contact the SDSU Technology Transfer Office).

Experience and Qualifications (500 words max): Please describe relevant experiences that support your qualifications for this project. 

Budget and Budget Justification: Please provide a budget (NOTE: up to $7,500 for the 12-month period) and associated justifications for your project. Expenses should be directly related to your project. Seed grant funds can be used for student assistants, equipment and supplies, contract services, travel, other expenses, and a summer fellowship stipend (not to exceed $3,750). Faculty course release is not available for the SDSU Seed Grant program as DRI has a separate assigned time funding program for this purpose. 

Application Review: Colleges will review applications using college-specific criteria and priorities (check with your college for these criteria/priorities) with final recommendations made by College Deans to DRI. The Division of Research and Innovation will notify awardees in late November 2024.

Required Reporting: Grantees are required to complete a final report by February 3, 2026. Grantees will be sent a report reminder several weeks before the report due date.

Due: 10/7/24 @ 11:59 PM


August 19, 2024: Call for Proposals goes out to all faculty. 

October 7, 2024: Deadline to submit application in the InfoReady system. 

October 11, 2024: Division of Research and Innovation (DRI) forwards applications  to college Dean’s offices.  
          - College convenes review committees and reviews applications.  
           - Committee forwards rankings to Dean’s office. 
November 8, 2024: College Dean’s forwards recommendations to DRI.

November 15, 2024: Notification to awardees. Awardees will be notified of applicable compliance review requirements (i.e., IRB, IACUC, IBC).

January 1, 2025: Award period begins. Start date of project is contingent upon  satisfying compliance review requirements (when applicable),  see the Research Support Services website for more information.

12 Month Funding Period January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. 

February 3, 2026: Final report for 2025 SDSU Seed Funding awards due to DRI. You will be sent a reminder several weeks before the report is due.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

If you were awarded a Seed Grant for the 2023 or 2024 cycle and need an extension of your funding or a budget adjustment, please request using the google forms below:

Budget Extension Request Form

Budget Adjustment Request Form

2025 Seed Grant Program Funded Applications

2024 Seed Grant Program Funded Applications

2023 Seed Grant Program Funded Applications