Center and Institute Funding
SDSU is home to many nationally and internationally recognized research centers and institutes composed of outstanding faculty, staff, and students. As SDSU begins to forge its path towards becoming an institution of very high research activity (e.g., R1 Carnegie designation), our research centers and institutes will play an important role in moving these aspirations forward.
The purpose of the Funding for SDSU Research Centers and Institutes program is to provide funding to support center/institute efforts to secure extramural funding through federal and state sponsors, local funding agencies, and private foundations. Centers/institutes will be expected to submit 2-3 proposals for extramural funding during the award period.
There is not a threshold of funding that must be met for this program; however, the funding sought should align with typical sources of extramural funding for your center/institute. Centers/institutes will be expected to describe the number and type of proposals this funding will be used to develop. Proposed future activity in terms of specificity and number of anticipated proposals will be used both as a competitive criterion and as part of reporting/deliverables if funding is awarded.
Funding Announcement: 5/3/21
Applications Due: 5/31/21
Awards Announced on or before 6/25/21