DRI Support for Equipment and Dataset Purchases for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (RSCA)
Equipment Funding Program has been postponed until AY 25/26.
Program Overview:
The Division of Research and Innovation is pleased to announce a call for funding
for equipment or large datasets to support research, scholarship, and creative activities
(RSCA) at SDSU. Funds are available to support RSCA endeavors at SDSU and SDSU Imperial
Valley that will have significant long-term impacts on the research, scholarship,
and creative activities of our campuses. Requests can focus on the purchase of more
significant equipment that is currently absent from our campuses or the purchase of
large datasets used for secondary analysis research projects. All requests must impact
the research programs of multiple faculty. We will not consider requests serving a
single faculty member. Cross-college requests are also permissible.
Tenured or tenure-track faculty at all academic ranks and Research Faculty.
Award Specifics:
Equipment Requests--Funding for facility upgrades and equipment is restricted to investments
between $50k and $200k. Single purchases cannot be less than $50K to avoid the purchasing
of many small items that add up to $50K. Funds are only to be used for equipment requests
and cannot be used for operational expenses, salaries or supplies.
Large Dataset Requests--Funding for large datasets is restricted to investments between
$25k and $75k; more than one dataset could be purchased with this funding.
Limited Submission:
There is approximately $1.5M in funding available for this program ($1M for single
college proposals and $500k for cross-college proposals). There is a limit of 6 total
submissions per college with up to 4 single college applications and 0-6 cross-college
applications. The four single college applications will need to be priority ranked
by each college through a self-defined process. Cross-college proposals should be
ranked separately by the colleges involved.
Matching Funds:
Colleges are required to provide 30% matching funds for this program. Colleges should
identify the total matching dollar cap if more than one application is funded--including
cross-college applications. Cross-college proposals should specify the relative matching
commitment by each college. Faculty wanting to contribute matching funds toward the
college contribution from an RSF account are encouraged to do so and these funds should
be identified separately from college matching funds. Applications may not request
more than a total of $200k; however, this does not include matching funds coming from
colleges or from faculty.
Application Details:
- Project Title
- Participating Faculty Members: Please provide a list of the faculty user base of the equipment or datasets as well as an email from each member of the consortia acknowledging their participation in this application and the importance of this request to their program of research or scholarship. All faculty affiliated with each application should have a strong record of academic scholarship.
- CVs: Please include a short 2-3 page CV of the top 3 expected users of the equipment or datasets. This should emphasize each of the faculty member’s research, scholarship or creative activities.
- Description of request: Please describe the equipment or datasets the faculty consortia is requesting (2-3 pages). This description should include the details of your request, a justification for the equipment or datasets with particular emphasis on how the purchase will advance the research mission of SDSU.
- Location: Please include where the equipment will be located (this is not needed for dataset requests).
- Cost estimates: Please provide the cost of the equipment or datasets. Installation costs for equipment will need to be included in your application. Similarly, any equipment purchased that requires maintenance contracts must include the cost of these contracts for five years of support beyond the initial warranty.
November 19—Call for applications opens via Infoready
January 24—Applications due at 11:59 pm
January 26—Applications to colleges for initial review
February 18—Applications to the Division of Research and Innovation
Week of March 7—Awards announced
Please contact Mark Reed ([email protected]) with questions about this program.