Research Development/Advancement encompasses a set of nested, strategic, and proactive activities that seek to build institutional and personal capacity in the design and execution of research programs. RD Professionals are both constituted (formal) and non-constituted (influence) campus leaders. Often research offices distribute resources campus-wide in support of research priorities. These might include matching funds for large research projects, or "bridge" funding for a researchers or laboratory that is in between projects.
This workshop will explicitly engage RD professionals in interrogating their own leadership potential in contributing to a campus climate that is intentionally inclusive of faculty and students under-represented in the research enterprise.
Research excellence requires leadership at the undergraduate, graduate, and faculty levels. And, at HSIs, clearly articulating the importance and value of an HSI identity can contribute to institutional change, and improve research competitiveness. Using an asset-based leadership model, this workshop will engage attendees in a self-study of leadership capacity and responsibility, and explore how assets can best be developed and leveraged for institutional change.
Whether you are looking to enhance your research productivity and grant realization, or make transformational changes to your departmental culture and practices to better support the success of your students or junior faculty, this workshop offers STEM faculty the opportunity to directly engage offices of research, explore best practices for engaging HSI students in research and develop leadership capacity toward inclusive research excellence.
Scholars of educational equity and inclusion have made great progress toward understanding student experiences and high-impact practices. What is the next research horizon for HSIs, climate/culture change, and student success? What research questions will drive organization change? What metrics can be used to measure HSI identity and campus climate change?
Who are passionate about realizing the full research potential of HSIs by embracing their Hispanic serving identity, and who are willing to be an engaged partner in making it happen.